This acclaimed mystery series follows Detective William Murdoch (Yannick Bisson, Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye) in 1890s Toronto as he investigates the city's most challenging cases and encounters the famous figures of his day. A brilliant detective with a knack for inventing new crime-solving technologies, Murdoch receives valuable assistance from beautiful pathologist Dr. Julia Ogden (Gemini(r)-winner Helene Joy, Durham County), eager constable George Crabtree (Jonny Harris, Hatching, Matching & Dispatching), and his no-nonsense boss, Inspector Thomas Brackenreid (Thomas Craig, Where the Heart Is). With 25 Gemini(r) nominations to its credit, this sharp, sophisticated drama delves into the fascinating roots of modern criminology with sly wit and endearing characters. Includes the complete Seasons 1-4. 52 episodes, over 40 hrs on 16 DVDs, SDH. Includes the complete Seasons 1-4. 52 episodes, over 40 hrs on 12 Blu-ray discs, SDH.
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Murdoch Mysteries Collection: Seasons 1-4 Blu-ray & DVD
Murdoch Mysteries Collection: Seasons 1-4 Blu-ray & DVD
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