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George Gently: Series 7 DVD & Blu-ray

$59.99 $39.99
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Item #: XA1742
Risking animosity from his colleagues, Gently (Martin Shaw) decides his force is doing a poor job on rape cases. A young doctor's death looks like suicide, but Gently suspects murder. Gently and Bacchus dig into the life of a man found dead... More
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Risking animosity from his colleagues, Gently (Martin Shaw) decides his force is doing a poor job on rape cases. A young doctor's death looks like suicide, but Gently suspects murder. Gently and Bacchus dig into the life of a man found dead under a bridge. A bank raid that interrupts Gently's Christmas Eve brings him face-to-face with skinheads. Guests include Denise Welch (Waterloo Road), Lesley Nicol (Downton Abbey), and Jody Latham (Shameless). Watch George Gently Series 7 four feature-length British detective dramas, 6 hrs, 4 DVD or 2 Blu-ray discs, SDH.

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